Nope. Study specifically points out that “69% Match 3" means that of Match 3 gamers, 69% of them are women. It does NOT mean that 69% of women gamers play Match 3 games. So your “most women play casual games” is not what this says at all.
Nope. Study specifically points out that “69% Match 3" means that of Match 3 gamers, 69% of them are women. It does NOT mean that 69% of women gamers play Match 3 games. So your “most women play casual games” is not what this says at all.
That’s not what this study says at all. It says, for example, that 69% of the players who play Match 3 are women, NOT that 69% of women play Match 3 games.
Probably helps that, even if female gamers don’t play as the female characters, none of the female characters are repellant in their T&A. I’m not going to play a game where all the female designs are LOOKIT MAH BEWBS, even if I’d only ever wanted to pick a male character anyway.
Interactive Drama, perhaps? That’s where I’d put the Visual Novel category, anyway.
Psssh, Alistair is a whiny baby. I went with Zevran.
Speaking only for myself as a woman, I -LOVE- the Dragon Age series, and would’ve probably liked Bioware’s sibling series, but I don’t really care for the shooting combat and the fact that everything is cold and grey and steel. Probably mostly to do with my preference of fantasy over sci-fi.
Indies have come in to fill the gaps of couch co-op that AAA titles used to have. There’re games like Don’t Starve Together, Gang Beasts, Nidhogg, Overcooked, etc, that’re really great local multiplayer.
Fair Use is significantly more limited than you think, and it’s always used as a defense in a copyright infringement claim. That is, you’re invoking right to Fair Use once you’ve been sued for infringement. Having a cease and desist notice means you’ve got to stop -before- being sued. If you want to keep doing what…
Enough that they’d no longer be Pokemon. Copyright covers “derivative works,” so even if you made those models from scratch, they’re still derivations of Pokemon. You’d have to make up your own colorful monsters with their own designs to be completely free from legitimate copyright claim.
That’s so unbelievably false. Copyright owners have control over the distribution of their work, even if the thief isn’t profiting. If someone was stealing my art and giving it away, I’d have the right to issue a takedown notice to them, because that is my work.
Well, drawing on a capacitive touchscreen with a fat finger is WAY more of a hassle than using a stylus on a resistive screen, so I couldn’t imagine a Switch Miiverse would’ve even been as vibrant an art scene.
Story of Seasons is coming to Switch in Japan. It usually takes like a year after that to get it localized into English. (See: Trio of Towns)
I wonder if we’ll ever get another Bomberman without the grid system, like Bomberman 64 was. I miss that game.
Might be worth reading the article, because that totally IS mentioned. :)
Finding Charmanders/Squirtles/etc the other day was because it was a special event for the new year that made the Starters super common. The event’s over now, so those ‘mons have gone back to being very rare.
Different Team villains in each region. Team Rocket’s still a thing, but Kanto’s quite a far distance from the islands of the Alola region.
They used Sonic the Hedgehog as an example, so I don’t think they were that focused on real-life biology. And I used parrots as an example of an animal talking and it not “looking weird.”
“Keep your gross furry fetish out of my article about a gross robot-anus fetish!”
Yeah, but the question wasn’t “why can’t my dog talk?”, the question was “how do furries talk with snouts?” It’s not about real-life biology, because obviously Earth doesn’t have 6-foot wolves walking around in tshirts and jeans.
Why couldn’t they talk with snouts? Zootopia makes it work in 3d, as did that new Jungle Book. I mean heck, real life parrots can talk with a beak, so I don’t get what the problem is.