Vamos Átomos

Nor should delicious and intelligent octopuses.

Check out the pending comments. Some of the tamest shit online, and woe betide the commenter who capitalizes the third person present of the verb ‘to be’. When that new algorithm gets done directing Star wars episode 9 maybe it can impose some order here?

They are rapidly turning into the boot from 1984 (my favourite character, BTW)

Maybe they just want someone who won’t be randomly gunned down by the cops on the drive to work?

It’s about finding the humanity in the character!

Guessing this is pending due to the capitalized “is”. No, I’m not recruiting for the global dj I had. Is this what we’ve come to?

Oh yeah? A bunch of new people come over from the avclub and you suddenly start losing stuff? What are you trying to say?

American Psycho got everything that this film got wrong right, yet on paper there’s no difference.

Like tears in the rain..

Am... am I in the grey?

Neither of you are in the grey, at least from here. Seems to be a common, albeit baseless, complaint.

A circle IS flat, Mr Philosopher Man!

There was a similar storm in a teacup when Disqus, that’s why I stuck with signing in through the avclub. And now I have this sweet burner account!

The night is dark and full of spoilers