
Like it sprayed out his butthole onto the back of the bowl and slid down? Or on the seat like he pooped on the seat? What the fuck?

I live in a big city and don't have a car. When I'm visiting family in the Midwest, it's shocking (to me) how little they drive. Like, down the hill and around the corner to get an ice cream. But there aren't any sidewalks, so it's dangerous. Car culture in this country has created a lot of issues for basic movement.

But you did cite food scarcity caused by climate change, which I don't think is an issue at all in the US. Scarcity of local, fresh, healthy vegetables and fruits is caused by farm subsidies for corn farming - high fructose corn syrup and feeding cattle. You can't get fresh produce in many parts of the country. It's

I like the quotes you did around "classest." Subtle, but effective.


Someone is furiously deleting every mention of this on their FB page, which is hilarious.

So, shampoo company wants me to make a free ad for them?

I want to know what genius decided to tweet back at her, SO DUMB. But then, so is joking about a rape room.

She got divorced, she didn't look the other way while her brother dropped the N-word and staged "plantation style" events.

^^^ x 1000.

Kinda judging you, but not in a mean way.

Well, "something she has to go through" describes a lot of marriages, I guess.

Pouring out some sparkling rosé for these two. Okay, that's a lie, but I might drink some.

I bet he claims to believe in god. I also bet he's never seen god.


Thank you!

Not seeing the problem with bacon grease soaked bread and whipped cream.


idk, we're all still reeling from rape gifs. This is a lot. Yet, I clicked.

Iggy Azalea and I were laboring under the same assumption until recently. And Chloe, the answer is Greenpoint. Or Detroit.