There are a couple of GoT porn parodies. Feel free to Google.
There are a couple of GoT porn parodies. Feel free to Google.
There would be a lot of farting.
My bad for missing! Glad it wasn't your mom.
I'm not mean. Calling someone retarded is mean. People with Downs are real people, and when you use that word to name call, it's cruel. Google "the R word" and reflect. You sound ignorant.
Where were you that you saw such a thing?
Why do they need to know? Who cares?
Calling someone retarded is shitty, fyi.
That's straight up mean and you should call her on it.
Your dad is cool. I have never been stung by anything, but if I am, I want your dad around.
Rock on Frieda Turkmenilli, humane bee remover lady. Cause my ass woulda freaked the fuck out.
Solidarity. Maybe we should make a Groupthink here to complain.
Hahaha. Like I have time to go to a support group.
I would put money on the "thugs with guns" being paid actors meant to portray her as a victim. Not judging.
We're WASPs, so we ignore each other and drink gin.
I live near her apartment, and that move where she'd go down to Whole Foods (it's on the first floor of her building) and buy milk? MASTERFUL.
Not as much as I'd like. My aunt has gotten all weird and judgey about everything I do related to my mom (her sister).
Same, but I'm in the middle of it. Shit is hard.
Fine, you take care of my mother.
There is nothing better than the PCH and a German car with the windows down.