That’s what actual adulting (not adultish) is.
That’s what actual adulting (not adultish) is.
This is already being tackled by big creative corps. I work for one of them, and about 50% of the people there work for a staffing company and are paid hourly. After a year you’re laid off, then they either let you go or move you to the other staffing company. Both staffing companies handle payroll, insurance (not…
Thanks for commenting on my post from 2014, it’s nice to be right.
He’s hilarious, but he’s also a cokehead who is hoping Depp produces a movie about him and Bingo, his garbageman fucking cokehead clown girlfriend.
The first two graphs are literally my parents. Over and over.
It doesn’t work for Lewy Body, sadly. The disease is a protein deposit(the lewy bodies) on the nerve endings of the brain. Studies showing reading or brain games - show they don’t help. My mom’s masters degree, published papers and encylopedic knowledge...doesn’t make a difference.
Are you making a joke here, or am I missing something?
In theory yes, but Lewy Body is a fucking asshole.
It’s not really my thing to be around that many children, but I don’t get the people who have to tell you they hate it. Who gives a shit?
Because it was a contractually obligated promotional appearance mandated by their employer to create interest in the park and their TV show on the mouse owned ABC network.
Not to harsh your story, but there is no way was a trip with everyone in the music program cool.
Something about Germans and trains doesn’t work for me.
Do you live here? Why?
The why doesn’t matter. I endorse this closure.
You have a pool in Canada?
And the rugby style polo shirts.
If a family court judge is sick and tired of cases like this, she needs to quit her job.
I can afford a $400 skirt, which I will buy at Saks from Tibi, DVF, The Row, Alexander Wang, or any of the other much fancier brands that sell at that price point. And it will last.