
Can't get past the white pantyhose. So yuck.

Good job you. Don't listen to the whiners.

Recipe please?

I fell off the vegetarian wagon in New Orleans eating seafood and I don't regret it for a second.

Be careful doing that if you're not home. Your stomach will be very surprised and might respond aggressively. Been there.

Would bang. 10/10.

I can't stop watching this. It's incredible.

Fuck you Jezebel. Fuck you hard on this one. Piling on a smart, successful woman? You suck.

Don't make this about anything bigger than you being surprised that American Apparel store employees looked like American Apparel store employees. And trendy isn't the same thing as stylish, don't get it twisted. Lol, internet person thinks "trendy" is a compliment.

Young trendy people working in a clothing shop? My heavens!

I am wondering if she made him wear the hat because he doesn't look like Ryan Gosling at all?

Thank you for the guffaw. Dr. Feltersnatch.

I clicked. The tampon thing is no big compared to Rosebud.

That dress is amazing.

Well there was that kid who called Kim an N word lover or something on the street. So there's your mention. Or type "Kim Kardashian C" into Google and see what autofills. Vile.

Someone's eating steak again.

It was successful and it was pretty weird and good. It's hard to reconcile that with all the other shit though.

Nailed it.

Nailed it. Not clicking.

Let's cut to the chase: family reunions, parties and weddings that aren't yours? Zzz.