
Or just say, if you must on Twitter - "I screwed up. This was wrong. I wasn't thinking. I am sorry." Period. Apologies that make it about the other person feeling bad aren't real apologies.

I'd never push it as long as both of us were given a proper bed. Not my house, not my rules.

Same. She may be boring, but she's gorge.

I'm imagining marching and maybe a little fez. Well done, Mr. Retrogirl.

I stayed in a separate room from my ex when we went to his parents, as he had a teenage sister. No one else cared, but I wanted to be at least somewhat respectful.

This is a moral conundrum for me.

Jesus H. Christ. All of you. Ugh.

It's a real thing. My boyfriend likes "actual meals" where I could survive on a balance bar, big lunch, and bar snacks. Bastard.

Ah, the blue polka dot dress becomes pink and appears (to the untrained eye) to be a new photo of Princess Shinylocks. I see what you did there Star magazine. I see.

Totally truth. I wear a 32DD and they tried to put me in a 36 C. Cause that was comfortable.

Totally not snarking - just feel like every time I see something about a new app, there are Droid users asking for an app. But I read tech media, contrary to what that Bustle dude thinks about ladypersons.

As soon as they get the ap out and in an Android version so I can actually use it.

She's better looking in person and reasonably intelligent.

I saw this happen, when Katie and Suri first moved to Manhattan. It was stunning. Grown men calling a 5 year old names and saying horrible things about her father.

Loved Cricket.

This is sad. None of this matters. Unfriend her and be happy with whatcha got. I realize that isn't as interesting of a post.

He was a really nice guy. Was.

Oh whatever, I laughed. She's not as gross as him (I realize that's not saying much).

Maybe everyone's experience isn't exactly like yours.