
Oh those boys are super cute!

I'm going with assholey these days. No matter what I post, someone triggers on something.

Is Lily Collins actually happening? Do people like her?

Oh yeah, you're right. On my ipad it wasn't as clear - also the angle is weird. I'm not yelling photoshop, I just thought he was a GIANT.

Is Justin Bieber 9 feet tall?!

Ha. I was told (while working evenings until 9 or 10, weekends, holidays, etc.) that I had "efficiency issues."

Based on our comments here meatball, sounds like we knew the same weirdos growing up.

Thank you. No editing, I promise.

Everyone is right here, it's not black and white of course, but I would work very hard to make sure it didn't get to that. But yeah, several of my hs boyfriends were not in hs. Or college. Ugh.

Awful Man, I didn't call anyone fucked up. Don't troll me.

No, I had to because I wasn't having sex at my parents. But I know that's not your point. Sorry that happened to you.

I'm glad it worked out okay for you! It just isn't my thing.

When I was younger, I had no self-confidence and dated nerdy record dudes who wanted me to save them from whatever. Now that I'm older and actually like myself, I like 'em hot and uncomplicated (not dumb). And they have to cook. If Brody can make risotto, he's totally in.

All the this.

I'd put a sock in his mouth and fuck him sillier.

I also hate myself that I know these people's names and that I posted this. I need to go outside.

I am a horrible person for saying this, and I acknowledge that.

Right. I had to have sex in a car, they can too. Kids today!

I don't think it's that simple, just remembering being a teenager. I broke up with and got back together with my boyfriend at that age twice a week. I know people have made this work, it just seems like too much pressure on a relationship at that age.

Exactly. What do you have to look forward too? And living with your partner can be so hard - when you're grown! - you shouldn't be dealing with that at 17.