Soulless Minion of Orthodoxy

Fuck off.

Yeah, I’d say that being a man who wants to have a say about what women can or can’t do with their bodies and the unrecognizable clump of cells inside them is pretty stupid.

You’re acting like this is somehow at odds.

As someone else said, people can have their viewpoints. We’re also still allowed to criticize them for it.


Okay, now write this same article about Sony releasing Horizon, God of War, Last of Us, and the many other exclusives.

I didn’t really expect or need Kara to actually show up. I just find it strange that a bunch of the dialogue was about Clark being alone on Earth or not having any living Kryptonian family when his cousin is right there!! Like, Edge’s whole pitch was basically, “We’re Kryptonian relatives so we should automatically

Funny you should bring that up. ScreenRant just did an entire article about how AoS and LoT have been having a little fun back and forth. Looks like they missed this one.

Thank you! I worried it was a little too flowery, you know? But I couldn’t resist. It’s the level of nuance it deserves.

Final third of this article really sums up my thoughts perfectly. Beautifully written

I’m the opposite. I like when companies talk about what they are working on even if it is far out. The problem is that some gamers see a cool trailer and then become obsessed, turn toxic, don’t accept delays, cancellations, etc and the fun is ruined.

Yeah but I do hope somehow Marvel reconciles the show, and possibly the Netflix shows, soon. It looks like the’re going to reconcile the past Spidey films soon.

Luke Fox is Batwing in the comics though...

Crisis is the new Speed Force.


I bet this sounded better in your “why won’t Chloe Wang date me” subreddit.

Cancel culture implies a massive conspiracy to take power away from someone undeserving. What is actually happening is people are saying “Oh, I don’t want to give my money, business and support to people who do bad things.” It’s not new. It’s not different beyond the fact that the internet exists so things can gain

Get over it.

It’s pretty nice being able to use my gaming rig to make a few bucks when I’m not using it.

I’d never been more pleased with a character death than Marissa’s. It really saved the show. Funny that she mentioned things got bad in the middle of season 2, because that’s when the SHOW started to get bad. Season 4 was a revelation, and it’s sort of incredible how the rehabbed Taylor’s character into the best