Soulless Minion of Orthodoxy

Personally, I’m having a blast with this new season - I’m glad they shook up the usual “hunt the evil force of the year across time and space” format.

Fans no longer care about continuity the way they used to, though.

The EW article is pretty good - it looks like they attempted to get just about everyone they could.

Great point, let’s all talk about our favourite classic Hope Van Dyne comics!

Did you ever wonder what the “W” in “CW” stands for?

Someone asked him, and he answered.

Last I checked, “nurse” was a profession, not a rank.

Mick was alive and extremely fine-looking in the preview for the finale, so... ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

I have to imagine they’re trying to make it happen behind the scenes.

But please, for the love of God, make Tory less of a cartoonish, mustache-twirling villain this season.

Even if that were the case, I’d buy it. Bucky’s a super soldier, and we don’t know anything about how long Hope would have been an agent, or how highly-trained she was.

Hope died on a mission in Odessa.

We come to learn she was a SHIELD agent and died in some sort of mission-related accident in the past.

why would he leave right before hometowns if all he wanted was to see his son at home?

The article does a better job of explaining the situation: during filming, the puppeteers read the dialogue on-set (which frustrated Thompson, as described above, because they weren’t exactly skilled actors), and Williams was brought in to add the “real” dialogue during post.

Diggle is having a series of headache attacks, which somehow tie in with the green glowy thing he found at the end of Arrow, which everyone assumes is the Green Lantern ring. There’s no resolution to that here, though I understand Diggle has appeared on other CW superhero shows, so maybe more has been revealed

But at least we all got to...

Batwing, not Nightwing.

however he did not make an appearance on the recent Friends reunion special.

It seemed a little derivative of Agents of SHIELD’s final season, but I’m not mad about it.