Soulless Minion of Orthodoxy

The worst of the bunch should get Supercuts of Shame that are shown right after they appear on “The Women Tell All” to deny that they said any of those things.

I sure hope so - I love the Klingon intrigue, and we still need to get the cold war with the Federation going - we left them on pretty good terms, and that needs to go south.

I think this photo system had the advantage of tying into the emotional core of the story in a really beautiful way.

Definitely not too on the nose (not for this show), but I kind of like the Valley being the centre of the show’s universe.

If Terry Silver isn’t some kind of elected official when we finally see him again, it will be an incredible miss.

There was definitely a shot of a vaguely foodlike thing from that charcuterie board going into Matt’s mouth.

Seems a little harsh on Ruby Rose, who I thought was...mostly fine.

To say nothing of the fact that they lived in a completely different house in episode two.

Doug Jones has been openly sharing his return to the show for season four on social media, so we don’t have to worry about this being the end of Saru!

Bill: Cyber’ed

It’s not much of a stretch to call Cobra Kai “fantasy.” It’s definitely operating on its own wavelength.

Yeah, I think it’s fine if you look at the episode as part of the previous season, rather than a standalone episode.

I’d say this two-parter started her on that path, as much as I would have liked to have seen more earlier.

I’m choosing to look at it as more of an “atonement” arc rather than a “redemption” arc - the exploration of what happens when you take the top dog in the universe that literally raises people to be monsters, and drop them into the Prime Universe is pretty interesting to me.

The road has been paved for a spinoff series in which Antonia Lofaso cooks a meal and gives relationship advice. Sign me up.

It is the purest moustache in the galaxy, because he does it for himself, and only himself.

Voyager had Captain Braxton suffering from “temporal psychosis,” as well.

I think you’re definitely right about this two-parter being the setup for the spinoff, but I’ve suspected for a long time that the “Section 31" angle might just be a smokescreen.

It may be a misdirect, but his newspaper has quite a few “City on the Edge of Forever” references.