Soulless Minion of Orthodoxy

I’m legitimately confused...Lori Loughlin is merely one of the better-known participants in this scheme - it’s not like it’s only about her.

Uh, how is this not corporate corruption?

The reveal is meant to explain her abrupt breakup with James in “Menagerie” (she didn’t want him to find out she was working with her brother), but it feels more like a clumsy rewrite than a satisfying reveal.

Given the success rate of their boycotts, DC and Marvel should both be pretty happy about that.

It’s 2019 - I think it’s time to just accept the fact that the jokes are overplayed, razor-thin secret identities are a convention of the genre, and it really doesn’t matter.

Shout-out to their Chubby Chicken line in general, and the honey mustard sauce in particular.

It’s weird, because Season 1 definitely works better in a binge format than it did weekly. And I say that as someone who’s enjoyed the series so far.

Jumping between star systems is near-instant, but all ships have a limited range per jump. There are about 400 billion star systems in the game, so long-haul trips can take a while - especially if you’re stopping to actually do stuff along the way.

Lena Luthor, who has always been justly paranoid about anyone else taking control of her inventions, suddenly deciding that letting the government have access to her research is a good idea.

Go “fuck yourself.”

Why not? It’s like 100 years later. If the records have changed and no one’s talking, what’s the issue?

Only to get replaced by the next one in line! Hooray!

Unless they’re going into some kind of storyline that forces them to be forever underground in the future

Accusing me of not paying attention just because I thought a plot point was a little rushed is pretty dickish, wouldn’t you say?

Making Section 31 an official part of Starfleet is a terrible idea and pretty much destroys the legitimacy of the Federation.

I thought this one was pretty terrific, with series-best performances from almost everyone in the cast (except Doug Jones, who had that last week).

I actually do know this one, and I have to say I’m impressed that she’s got a sense of humour.

The fact that he’s playing this dude in the next Spider-Man movie oughta help:

My general take has been that Gold was excellent at big, thematic music, while Akinola has been much better than Gold was at composing incidental music that adds emotion to the scene (I always thought Gold’s incidental stuff sounded very generic, especially in the early years).

Wasn’t “peak TV” coined to describe the quality of programming, not the quantity?