There’s definitely an earlier draft of the script in which Hank is a classic rock’n’roll fan, and plays Johnny B. Goode (or at least something else by Chuck Berry)...right?
There’s definitely an earlier draft of the script in which Hank is a classic rock’n’roll fan, and plays Johnny B. Goode (or at least something else by Chuck Berry)...right?
That’s growl-whisper-mumble, thank you very much.
I didn’t notice, either. They did a pretty good job of having him explicitly leave the Waverider, and then just never bringing him back.
I opened the wiki page for this season, and saw that Matt Ryan is listed under recurring instead of main cast. As far as I know, they’ve literally said he’s a main cast member during promotions for this season, right?
Not crazy - just pushing an agenda to anyone who’ll listen.
it’s really disheartening that the non-Chibnall episodes have been really great.
Does anyone watching this show actually want Lena to become a villain?
“The FBI handles that.” Er....she’s not wrong.
This storyline makes James look like an idiot
Agreed. Jobs are obviously very scarce, but there’s no real sense for how scarce, or why. Very much like the endless traffic jam in Gridlock.
It was a pretty Russell T. Davies episode, wasn’t it?
Worker’s rights are good (okay, off to a good start) but the systems which exploit them are also good (wait, what?).
Eh, I probably would have given it an A, too, but it’s standard procedure around here to ignore the grade and focus on the substance of the review.
I thought this one was even better than “Rosa.” I was pulled in to the story from minute one, and really don’t have any complaints. It helps that I coincidentally did some reading on the Partition of India last week, which is something that I really knew nothing about.
How exactly did the Glades become an independent country without US military intervention?
Seems like your standard post-apocalyptic hellscape, to me. I guess as a result of the real estate scam in the present-day Glades?
His run has been fine so far. You’re right that we haven’t hit a transcendental episode, but there’s still hope. To be honest, if we get a full season without any absolute duds, I’ll be happy, even if there isn’t an A+ in the lot.
I feel like it’s a mistake to expect any of the LoT potential futures to come to pass, or even that the writers are paying that close attention (I mean this in the kindest way possible, because I really don’t think it matters).
it wasn’t right for Barry to score points with Nora at Iris’s expense
It’ll probably turn out her powers are killing her.