Soulless Minion of Orthodoxy

Besides the games that aren’t available on PC, I think it boils down to whether you see value in console gaming vs. PC gaming, which in my opinion are very different experiences. I love PC gaming, but there’s something to be said for hanging out on the couch with a game. The Play Anywhere games can be played on either

I used to think that the Dual Shock controller was the pinnacle of controller design, but I have to admit the XB1 controller feels much better long-term.

I think Play Anywhere deserved a mention, too. The idea of buying a game once, and being able to play it on both XB and PC, is very appealing. As a new XB owner on a budget, I’m also loving Games With Gold.

I’m not big into streaming (creating or viewing), but Mixer is a pretty cool platform. The near-zero latency is good (when it works, which for me is most of the time). The co-streaming is good. The controller sharing is good. The overall site design is much less cluttered than Twitch, and also good.

It kind of depresses me that people are so willing to demand exclusive titles, which are ridiculously anti-consumer in any field.

Unfortunately, a single switch in this field can cost over $100 on its own:

All YouTube comments should be nuked from orbit.

That’s true, it’s unfortunately a niche field filled with very expensive products:

Maybe dump trucks full of cash to the homes of potential viewers.

I would personally define “recent” as “within the last 10 years,” which might actually be generous. And that would still disqualify both Walk Hard and Team America.

Whatever the writers’ intent, I’m pretty sure it’s not that we should think that DeVoe’s plan is terribly well-reasoned or rational.

“Examples are everywhere! That’s why I can’t provide any!”

I love Star Trek, but it absolutely has too many bland characters and relies on technobabble too much. These issues are often correlated.

Fuck that, I don’t want my TV show derailed by a movie anyway. Keeping them fairly separate is best for everyone.

Nice try - we’re on to you.

Agreed. There’s nothing wrong with a done-in-one.

Could you point us to the accurate ratings?

Even worse with the Hellebuyk hit was that there was no call after review, if I remember correctly.

The whole notion of the rules of the game somehow changing in the playoffs is absolutely infuriating.

Yup. I was listening to the radio broadcast, and didn’t actually see the hit until yesterday, and...yikes.