Soulless Minion of Orthodoxy

Honestly, I waffled over whether to star it.

To quote William Shatner, “has been...might again.”

It appears trimetazidine is in the same drug category - “metabolic modulators” - as meldonium, which Maria Sharapova was busted for.

It was like he was invisible out there!

Do you happen to be a reporter for CTV? Because they made the same mistake!

I think Canadians are honestly more upset about the women’s hockey, and the curling. I am, at any rate.

I figured it was, but sometimes you’ve gotta take a chance, y’know?

That would be Cole’s letter.

Fair enough, I suppose. To me, that’s just part of the creative process. I do hope it leads to them finding someone better-equipped to make the film.

Let’s just say I’m glad that no one has come forward with more direct claims, and also that I’m not completely confident that no one ever will.

Whedon only co-wrote Cabin in the Woods. The other writer, and director, was Drew Goddard.

Nope. Do you have proof it was consensual?

Based on the reactions to his script when it eventually leaked, he was right.

I would hope that The Killing Joke’s reputation has diminished enough in recent years that they wouldn’t adapt it. It also would make little-to-no sense as the first film for the character.

They’ve also referenced Bruce Wayne himself on Arrow.

Honestly, letting a filmmaker bow out of a project because it’s a bad fit (for any reason) probably shouldn’t be considered a failure.

To me, the greater concern is the implication that he had these affairs with actresses on his shows - people he had direct control over. If true, that’s a pretty significant problem.

That would be great...but I’m not sure if Hollywood is terribly interested in original material any more.

Does Huntress count? She’s normally considered Bat-adjacent, isn’t she?

Oh, man. Hockey and curling are the marquee events up here. This is...not good.