Do your best to comply with officers even when they’re wrong. It’s easier to report legal injustices—in fact, the ACLU has an app for recording and reporting assaults on civil liberties—out of jail than in.
Do your best to comply with officers even when they’re wrong. It’s easier to report legal injustices—in fact, the ACLU has an app for recording and reporting assaults on civil liberties—out of jail than in.
Stanford’s investigation of Karnes’s complaint found that Hinton had in fact made an “unwanted sexual advance” on the younger professor, but that this did not constitute sexual harassment.
Stanford’s investigation of Karnes’s complaint found that Hinton had in fact made an “unwanted sexual advance” on the younger professor, but that this did not constitute sexual harassment.
Guess Stanford has decided, like many formerly well-respected institutions, that 2016 is really the year to throw their reputation down the drain.
But he’s tremendously subtle. No one is more subtle than him.
I think he thinks he’s being subtle. I don’t think he’s being subtle.”
The world at large wonders why women aren’t more friendly with and accommodating to ostentatiously “nice” guys playing at performative chivalry. It’s because when they get you alone, this is what they fucking do.
Coming from a rape apologist such as yourself, yea, people tend to bristle at the term.
The rapist you’re defending here was proven guilty, you rape apologist piece of horseshit.
First of all, you’re the worst. Second of all, the proof you’re looking for was collected in the hospital, where her injuries (including a torn soft palette) were noted as the worst the nurse had ever seen. She had bite marks. I would ask what the fuck is wrong with you, but I think it’s obvious.
1. This article is about a convicted rapist. No one’s “jumping to conclusions without proof.” There’s proof.
I teach some topics (humanities, ethics, feminism) that mean I have to study, at least a little, and stay up to date on some of these topics. I have honestly never thought of that connection. Despite knowing the domestic abuse stats and cops connection, this just never occurred to me.
This! So. Much. Of. This! I’m fed up to the ears with this rationale. So tired of women being raped only to be “their fault”. So fed up with the rapists getting away with it, specially if they are white and young, and have some money. SO FUCKING FED UP!
So, they put her on speaker and made a video of the conversation. They intentionally mumbled the word “consensual” in a blatant attempt to trick her into saying something exculpatory. Bros over hos, AMIRITE?
I don’t get guys who know their roomate has violently raped someone (and heard rumours it’s multiple women) and thinks “well what about his future?”
This is exactly what happens when you have cops and prosecutors who have been conditioned to believe that a significant percentage of campus rape allegations are false.
But the logic here is sound!
This is exactly what happens when you have cops and prosecutors who have been conditioned to believe that a significant percentage of campus rape allegations are false. They’ll latch on to the first thing that seems exculpatory and drop the case.