
Skynet is pleased.

Most of the causulties were caused by MH-6 gunships.

The Rangers and Delta had distinctively different uniforms in the film.

No foreign power can afford a purpose designed monster like the A-10. Apparently, neither can the pointy nose jet generals of the USAF.

The helmet that doesnt work.

It’s pretty. It’s a shame it’s a dog with fleas.

Which of course is why the F-22 has thrust vectoring.

I dont think it would, no. I think WVR the SU30 is every bit as dangerous as the F-22.

Unfortunately they have to land on fake ships....their jet exhaust burns holes in real ships.

This scene sprung into my mind immediately upon reading this article.

why on earth they designed that hatch to also act as an airbrake is beyond my comprehension. I thought the last thing you wanted when taking off was more drag...

The America will be ready for operational service long before the F-35 is.

Thus proving Gates is a liar for the ages.

I thought obama cancelled the F-22?

its uninhabited because the govt kicked all the people out.

the us fighting an insurgency at home would have several disadvantages, for one, their entire infrastructure is vulnerable, and two, any civilian casualties would massively and suddenly cause extreme problems for the politicians.

the way a guy with a small gun (in other words an insurgent) fights the US military, or any powerful force is by walking up to a bunch of drunk soldiers in a bar and blowing them away.

it is legal to own a fighter plane or tank, if you can afford one. I’ve seen tanks for sale on ebay.

Cuz, the Vietnamese, Iraqis and Afghans have all held out for years against the US Military.

I cant believe how high the backup red dot is on that file. You’d practically have to fire from the hip to use it, lol.