
Someone please explain how this piece of garbage music that is obviously misogynistic has curried such favor across the knee-jerk condemners of Jezebel/Gawker? I'm sorry, but I just read how Nazi uniforms on K-Pop stars are un-fucking-acceptable, but black dudes fucking chicks and whispering in their ear "don't tell

I have no idea what is going on. When did the world decide to start feeding the trolls?


I know your type; I had a lot of gamer friends that couldn't control their thumb input. Whatever wear-n-tear I might have achieved after a year of use with my N64 controller was replicated in a handful of Smash Bros. sessions with some of my more enthusiastic friends. Contrary to popular belief, ramming the thumbstick

Ok, I'll bite: You are aware that nearly every game made in America features shooting/destroying either a person or piece of equipment belonging to Russian/Chinese factions. I mean, do you really not see the ludicrous nature of your observation here?

Won't be long now before Shonda Rhimes says something/does something/farts and Gawker hipsters fall out of love with her. Mark my words.

Yup yup, nother stoopid celeb. Are there any people who are actually 'cool' in a Gawker writer's eyes—or is everyone deserving of your self-righteous ire. Hope you never pitch a shit fit asshole.

Similar story occurred in Detroit last night as well, except, of course, substituting "cutting instrument" with "gun." Guy tries to chat up lady, lady says she has a bf, guy shoots girl. The new normal, amiright?

This new layout on Kinja sucks donkey balls.

It's called "gamification" <barf> and while I hate the fact that I have yet another start-up buzzword to remember, I do believe this will be, well, life in the future.

Please tell me what fucking relevance there is in whether or not Ricky fucking Gervais is/isn't a bigot. I wish we didn't have to rely on celebrities to push the equality message—they will never be reliable. But then again, I guess if we did stop caring about what fucking irrelevant celebs thing, then Jezebel would

Words, words, words. Sorry, sympathy, compassion, BULLSHIT.

I guess if you are that badly fucked up so that removing the helmet would kill you, there isn't much the helmet would have done to save you. Up until that point, however, I'm sure the trade off is worth it. "Medic! I caught a piece of shrapnel to my jaw, but at least I wasn't wearing my helmet so you can treat it..."


Dear Gawker, stop posting stories with the word "dear" in the title. I love being patronized as much as the next guy, but this is getting a bit out of hand. I know all my self-important millennial friends need to share their wisdom with the world, but please do so on Facebook, not here. (Incidentally, 'chronic

More advertising to fuel the self-obsessed bro/swag/dad/# crowd. Ironically, the guys I know that really eat this type of shit up are technologically illiterate.

Militarization has nothing to do with the treatment of black people in America, it's a reference to the absurd level of tactical/military gear that the officers in Ferguson possess. Why the fuck are you trying to tie this part of the argument to race. The racial issue here is the disparity in treatment of suspects.

"The Pittsburgh Post-Gazette reports that local hospitals West Penn and Forbes Regional are seeing greater-than-average birthrates for the summer, to the tune of 27.8 percent and 15.9 percent."

Awesome. Keep procreating. It's not like the world is already overpopulated.

Don't care don't care don't care don't care don't care

Sad, but also a staggering display of poise and grace—kind of improved my outlook on today in a weird way...

"Next in the Richard Dawkins Blowhard Cycle: accusing people who are angered by his pompous bullshittery of being emotional or illogical."

Right, and you address said blowhards with sarcasm and witty one-liners...everyone has their ways of justifying their drive-by shit-flinging...Mine is posting comments using an