Baba Yaga is Too Witches for you

I’m waiting for the final one: “Not our President”

Who would have thought that our wedding anniversary would happen to be Election Day! 

I live in Seattle, so a few days ago I sat down on the floor with my 4 month old and we talked about the pros and cons of each candidate and initiative, then filled out my ballot and mailed it in.

Pictured: Actual Hillary plant gobbling up Trump voters.

“deliver justice at the ballot box”

Do I believe they called him “Diaper Don?”

Ah yes, Trump supporters committing fraud in order to combat the non-existent fraud they claim is already happening. How funny would it be if this year sees an all-time high for voter fraud, but all due to Republican voters?

Enough rude men, indeed, Gina. Enough indeed.

Huh. I thought they just did surgery.

Ha, I actually choose my gynecologist because she was head of gynecology at one of the best local hospital and was had preformed many surgeries with robots and is a very well regarded expert in the field.

Fuck. That. Last thing I need is some robot giving me a mechanical snatch, turning my G spot into a 4G spot and having people pirate Game of Thrones through my hoo ha.

Let’s just hope there’s nothing wrong with da Vinci’s code

Now this is a motherfucking president.

I saw this suit in person today!!! I was so close and I touched her arm and it was amazing!!!

Little bit nice.

Bill has probably winked at her a hundred times today.

So weird—I heard she’ll be 45 in January.


It’s only amazing if you just discovered him now and he didn’t ruin you childhood. Imagine getting that bonkers bullshit as a “treat” every year instead of candy at Halloween and you’re touching the tip of the iceberg.