Baba Yaga is Too Witches for you

That sounds fishy...

You got asked to be in next year’s carp calendar, didn’t you. Well, congrats.


Oh that SUCKS, I’m so sorry. But it sounds like you’ve tried everything you can, and based on that I can only assume that you’re going to work to find her a good situation where she’ll be much happier. Sometimes this is just what you have to do.

Very glad to hear it!

Hey Jane, I found someone to take the cats!

You are very devious. I’d like to subscribe to your newsletter.

Thank you for being the voice of reason, yet again.

I guess for the reassurance? But yeah, that letter is beyond wild. Can’t say I disagree with the advice, when pets endanger infants and there is no feasible way to fix the problem there is but one solution. But Catlady, even though they appear to be holy terrors, please try to do right by them if you rehome them!

It’s almost Friday, they’re not doing anything productive anyway.

Edited because I double posted in my zeal. Whoops.

voyeuristic potty cams

I feel like at this point all the big Hollywood dudes should just quit their jobs and let the ladies take over. Make the inevitable transition easier.

And also, in both cases but especially the latter: there is so much damn porn out there, wouldn’t the person who found it have to have been *sort of* looking in that vicinity? Like, I’m pretty sure you wouldn’t stumble across “secret peeing footage of someone I know” if you were looking for “wholesome dildo usage by a

Same, I’d hoard the damn things into a moldy mess, but at least they would be otherwise unsullied!!!

You’re right, definitely not complete garbage!

Yeah, honestly, I’ve barely gotten all my use out of “huge tracts of land”!

I feel decently good about this, though. I do wonder what effect all the sexual harassment scandals will have on the Youths, and it makes me glad that we’re starting to talk about them in ways that blame the perpetrator rather than the victim. Young people today may grow up with a very different perspective on the

I will not.

Oh phew, because I do actually shop at Lidl, but I don’t even know where I’d find the nearest Penny so they can suck it. I wonder if they’re getting any feedback from their intended audience, because you and I are not the first people to be put off, a lot of my friends think it’s terrible and tacky. Although most of