“No insanely pilly sweaters that make me want to chase you around with a sweater shaver”
“No insanely pilly sweaters that make me want to chase you around with a sweater shaver”
I don’t go to the pool anymore because there isn’t one accessible to me where I live, but you KNOW I’m going to be the person wearing water shoes the next time I go.
Which magical airline were you on that passed around slippers?? I always shower right before leaving for a flight and have one or two spare pairs of socks with me if it’s a long haul. Also shoes that are easy to get into for bathroom runs. I think I would literally gag if someone near me took their socks off on a…
That surprises me not at all. Gag.
Sounds kinda neat, actually, although I still wouldn’t risk the sidewalk. It’s a good thing I have hideous feet to begin with, they’re shaped like duck feet but without the webbing!
It’s because those of us who grew up in the third world (I’m from South Africa originally) know that shoes are a beautiful tool meant to keep us safe so why would we run the damn risk?? Plenty of other shit that can hurt me out there, I’m not putting my primary mode of transportation at risk of tetanus or hepatitis or…
I’ve been trying to teach myself to walk on my toes since an article on Pictorial about how people did that in the Middle Ages and its supposed to be so much better for you!
NO. How horrifying! Did nobody say something? I probably wouldn’t have and would have fumed silently, but aaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhh. Also WHO SITS CROSSLEGGED IN A RESTAURANT?? (unless it’s a Japanese establishment where I’m pretty sure it’s still not acceptable to be barefoot). Go eat at home on the floor you uncultured…
Genuinely curious: where do you run barefoot? I have heard/read that letting feet inhabit their natural form is supposed to be ‘healthy’ for them, but I can’t imagine running across pavement or whatever is comfortable! Running barefoot on the beach, though, that sounds pretty good to me though I’m far too afraid of…
Even most life guards I’ve seen have worn flip flops!
Germany, also (at least in the East German city where I live). The only way we can tell that it’s spring is because the hippies are *hey presto* shoeless, and it’s never indoors - always outdoors across the filthy sidewalks lined with cigarette butts and loogies and dog shit. Those same people are almost always white…
You are the hero we need
I know those feels! I knitted some neat striped fingerless mittens/wrist warmers last fall, and a few people asked me to make a pair for them, and offered to pay! But for me, that takes a lot of the fun out of it - I knit to relax and shut my mind down, I don’t think it would be half that enjoyable if I were subject…
Get the FUCK outta here with this, it’s AMAZING! And I love how satisfied you look in this picture, as you should, because this is fantastic. I totally think you could sell this at a decent profit if you wanted to (I saw a different comment about it).
But I am SO BOGGLED that it happened at all it feels like it has to be someone’s idea of a joke?? Don’t get me wrong, I believe you, but HOOOOOOWWWW
You know, I think this same thing every year, and then I listen to a song like Sia’s, and all of a sudden I’m in the Christmas spirit before the trick or treaters have cleaned everyone out. I’m somewhat ashamed to admit I quite enjoyed that song, but see me again in December. I completely agree, the whole bringing out…
No. Go away with these photos. I’m even sadder now.
Oh my goodness. How absolutely cringey, that sort of planning can’t have happened entirely by accident. I’m honestly sort of surprised this is so far west, I don’t know why...I guess I thought these kinds of shenanigans were more likely to take place in the east...
I noticed this sort of attitude after my family moved to Canada too. It’s hard to internalize when you’ve grown up not knowing that kind of danger. In my case I knew of SO many incidents where people would have stuff stolen in exactly that kind of scenario - you’re sat at a red light and someone rips open your door…