Rootin' Tootin' Teddy Roo

I was thinking about this the other day. Stardew Valley is almost always in the coveted top spot in the Nintendo e-Store. The Switch has sold somewhere in the area of 14 million units. Stardew Valley also performed extremely well on PC (not sure about other consoles). Most importantly, Stardew Valley was made by one

I hear they actually made three, but one was stolen.

Give Ultima to CD Project Red and Wing Commander to Egosoft and I’ll never leave my PC again.

I think that if games like Splatoon, Rocket League and Hearthstone have taught us anything, it’s that humans are most pleasant when they aren’t allowed to speak to each other.

So the conclusion I’ve reached after reading this article is that Japanese people are actually cats.

Nope, sorry, Streets of Rogue is awesome. Supper Mario Odyssey is amazing. Get it right.

Uh, I don’t know what you’re smoking, but Streets of Rogue is awesome.

I agree with everything except for “The Olympics of esports”.

So, I know that the Ninja Turtles were just regular turtles who were bitten by radioactive ninjas, but were they actually brothers?

This is hilarious. I remember hearing about this when I was in (does the math) sixth grade during the bus ride to school. The bus driver always had the radio tuned to some horrible country music station, and the radio jockeys were laughing about it and accusing each other of being involved in the threeway. It’s funny

That’s big talk from someone who’s spent his life trying to become the best at something that > 99% of the world doesn’t give two shits about.

I presume they called it that so that it evokes ‘Lego’.

Now playing

Well, since we’re already halfway down the YouTube rabbithole...

Blockchain tech will absolutely change the way we live.

I didn’t read the article and only looked at the pictures, because I’m a modern man and ain’t nobody got time for that. However, I must say that I am impressed to discover that joy-cons are edible (although admittedly that guy looks totally baked).

And I feel like they’re proud of it, too.

A project like this is basically the only thing that could convince me to re-install a Bethesda game at this point.

The regret is visceral as the guy on the left goes for that slow blink.

You say that like there’s not a time to be masturbating.