Maybe they’re always adorable and you just never see it?
Maybe they’re always adorable and you just never see it?
I think they may have forgotten that they’re not hardened counter-terrorist operatives in real life.
Hanging sharp knives from the door of something that you swing open and closed on a regular basis seems considerably more dangerous than just leaving them on a table.
How many people knew this thing even existed?
Beautiful work. Nice variety in the subject matter too - the artist shows a lot of range.
This is mostly one big laugh to me, since I avoid completing D:OS2 because every battle becomes a slog after the first 40 hours or so. I’m not sure I’ll ever be able to go back.
You realize that preventing your country from functioning over one hot-button issue is, in fact, selling out far more people?
This people gets it.
It’s been all about Enter the Gungeon for me, lately. I suck at it, but I’m also stupidly stubborn, so I’ve gotten really really okay at the first level.
See, it’s a good game, but this comment perfectly encapsulates what drives me nuts about it (particularly towards the end). I don’t want every fight against throwaway mobs to take an hour or more - I want to be able to play for an evening and feel like I moved more than 10 feet from where I started. There’s no need…
Okay, I just figured out that XC2 doesn’t stand for X-Com 2.
This is accurate. I love me some Stellaris (299 hours don’t lie), but it still settles into a dull stalemate once the galaxy has been explored.
I’m fairly certain that he doesn’t really care about DACA. He ended the policy because it gave him leverage in other negotiations with Democrats, in the same way that Russia inserts itself into conflicts in which the US has a stake (ie. intervening in Syria, throwing a lifeline to North Korea, etc.) in order to…
This is understandable, but so very dangerous.