
You know we have our own aisle for “Latino” beauty right? At least her in South Texas. Grisi soaps and tres Flores oils.

Your comment was very educational and interesting! Makes me want to learn more about that.

Right? I looked into the story and apparently Samanata was Nepalase American and a great person. She just made the mistake of getting involved with a psycho.

I liked her! Was hoping she was going to be a Val character.

I refuse to read it solely based on the cover photo.

When we went to NOLA with some friends I was too scared to go with a friend while she got her palm read. I’m a firm believer that this shit doesn’t mess with you if you don’t mess with it.

I never messed with any of this shit because I was always so scared! When you spend your summers in Mexico and your grandma’s neighbor is a medium you hear all kinds of stories. Plus many Mexican kids hear these stories from family anyway. If the kids at school wanted to do Bloody Mary I was like bye! I was always the

I'm not saying they're bad people. My parents are still JW and my dad has been an elder for 20+ years. I don't agree with many of their practices and this is one of them. There are many religions like this, the Duggers are proof.

Took the words out my mouth and I hate her stupid lipstick.

I was disfellowshipped myself. Could’ve avoided it if I would’ve just showed an ounce of remorse. I was a minor that was put in a room with 3 elders where they asked me about having sex. I basically told them I was done with them and their religion. My dad is an elder so I was privy to the inside info.

Well I was a Jehovah’s Witness for 18 years so I would know. I know it’s not that simple but you confess to the elders what you did and if you are repentant enough (or at least pretend you are) you get to go back to the congregation like nothing happened. You can’t deny all the lawsuits lately about the sex abuse

My mom came from a big family (9 kids) and she was molested as well as a couple of my aunts. She said they pretty much took care of themselves or the oldest took care of the youngest and so on. I agree that it’s probably so much more likely to happen in giant families like the Duggers. I've never watched the show but

Ugh and the shitty thing is there are so many “Christians” that do this (looking at you Jehovah’s Witnesses). As long as they confess their sins to their leaders or whatever they’re fine and leave them in their church to continue around kids. I’m surprised they even involved he authorities and counseling. These people

Maybe she queafed?

I have gone through about 15 pairs of pixie pants since they came out. I’m not even exaggerating! I wear them so much but the seams do fall apart. I wash them in Cheer Black in the delicate cycle and it doesn’t help. Initially I made some noise and they asked me to mail them to some address and blah blah. They are

Debit cards have the VISA logo so you’re not paying interest, just taking it straight out of your bank account. I waited tables many eons ago and never had trouble with the credit tips. I hear ya on it being nicer for the server, but I’m terrible at carrying cash though!

There's always the one!

I like this. I think the fakers are the ones that induce rage for me. Someone like the author who posts a cute picture of herself in a 2 piece doesn’t deserve ire from anyone!

I don’t know if I completely agree on that. Fat acceptance just means you don’t have to be a total dick to a complete stranger because of their weight. However I do agree that we worship mediocreness. I feel like an asshole when I don’t proclaim every single selfie that needy friends post as breathtaking. Every outfit

I love you for this! Fat, skinny. I don’t know, think most self-love Instagram posts are bullshit. If you have to consistently post a picture about how much you love yourself or your life or your family, I think you’re trying a little hard to convince everyone or yourself. I say this after viewing the ig of a mombie