
It would basically be a less-fun version of the pina colada song.

What is this, a lasagna for ants?

Can someone ask Jeb Bush or Donald Trump what this means about white culture? I mean I haven’t heard any white leaders speaker to the white community about not being a serial killer and with TV shows like Hannibal and Dexter and artist like Eminem, Johnny Cash, and Bruce Springsteen, I think we need someone to stand

In the Shade Court the shade is represented by two separate, yet equally important groups. The media who report on the supposed shade and Kara Brown, who deliberates the offenses. These are their stories.

I’m local. While I hope this is the guy and this madness will end, I think we all need to slow our roll a little before passing out the high fives.

White people should really be asking themselves why their culture is so violent.

Kids, I believe the lesson we’ve all learned today is: never lose.

Tatiana should get all of the nominations in that category. One each for Sarah, Alison, Cosima, Helena, and Rachel.

Didn’t even read the rest of the nominations because I am so excited Tatiana Maslany is in the running!

It’s a special talent that white men have.

Why do you think this will create a loss of revenue? It's more likely to save a lot of money since it will mean a lot less people in prison. Putting people in prison is a lot more expensive than giving them a phone call or an ankle monitor.

Huh, you don’t usually see KY preventing gay couples from coming together.

I’m from Chillicothe; I knew Tiffany and Charlotte from high school. People have their opinions of the town—I even agree with a lot of them. It breaks my heart, though, to hear the constant narrative of “Yeah, it’s such a tragedy, but they were drug-using prostitutes. The town’s riddled with poverty, what do you

IT IS. She met her and wrote about her.

Wait a goddamn second - is that her with Angela Davis?!

The only flaw in her FB profile is that she liked U2, Pink Floyd, and Natalie Merchant. They’re buried after a long list of jazz, r&b, blues and hip-hop artists, but they’re there.

Calling your colorist on it while she’s working her craft. You’re remarkably brave.

You’re right. You’ve stumbled upon the one single error in my meticulously drawn up plan.

Kendall was once pregnant with Scott’s baby, but she sacrificed it to the Seven Gods of Calabasas. Scott’s baby is now in Kylie’s womb, and it will remain there until she too decides to send it back to the Great Seven, who will then consume its soul and grow even more powerful.

I have been married forever but I was also a bridge-burner.