
Yeah, female drivers are so immodest. Nothing gets my motor running like a valid driver’s license.

I’ve had personal property on my patio damaged, I’ve been threatened, all by lovely white people.

I think it’s mostly men that are tired of disappointing only one woman.

He sounds hideous.

you know jake from state farm?

“I created Meh Whatever to honor my past and allow others to embrace the malaise, mediocrity and tepidness that embodies what is happening in western Pennsylvania today,” says Artless.Dodger, speaking to the ethos behind Meh Whatever.

When nonviolence is preached by the representatives of the state, while the state doles out heaps of violence to its citizens, it reveals itself to be a con.



it’s like not even the dudebros. it’s just HOW FUCKING ABOVE IT ALL they general seem to think they are? like 4chan embraces their shitty basement dwelling selves. they know, in general, that the loudest part of their comentariat are juvinile, petty dicks. reddit seems to think itself so far above it all when they are

it’s 4chan for people who think their moderately paying jobs make them too good for 4chan.

Oh no

Assuming this letter is real (which it’s not-it’s clearly the work of a 13 year old boy whose unfortunate porn habits are condensing into a real, lifelong fetish,) the writer’s worst mistake was sending a letter to brobible. She honestly could have taken a naked selfie with the date sharpied across her belly and

I wish I could give multiple stars for the use of portmanteau

I would say the apple doesn’t fall from the tree, but Vili’s skin is a little dark for her father’s tastes. Republican John Bircher, John G. Schmitz.


It’s like Crap Museum Exhibit From a Dude.

Hey, I’m offended. Jezebel wasn’t a whore, she was power hungry murderer (and effective at both!) Sheesh, there are reason for women to be considered evil other than being a whore.

No one is good enough. Maybe Rocky.