
as I said: “Slightly”. Though they are also more likely to pay lip service to the pro choice position and it varies from one politician to another. There’s political opportunism involved, too. The lure of sometimes staking out the opposite territory to your opponents.

I have recently started attending an Episcopalian church and I love it. I grew up attending a fairly liberal Presbyterian church but I went to Episcopal school and have always been drawn to the more traditional services (like, my ideal form of worship does not include a guy in jeans playing an acoustic guitar). I

had she cared to she could have acted to prevent laws such as these from being created. Queen Victoria wielded a tremendous amount of influence in Britain back then

The Episcopal Church warmly welcomes former Catholics. We are prochoice, LGBTQ allies, and have both women and openly gay pastors and church leaders. High church Episcopal Churches are very Catholic in aesthetic and style of service. I invite any unhappy Catholics to consider coming to a service.

Dunno about y’all, but I want Susan Sarandon to wear that outfit to my funeral...

Did I miss something? How is the GOP involved with the Housing Authority of Baltimore?

Give me a line Vashilly, One line only pleash.

Worst Robert Palmer videos EVER.

Riff Raff? That’s not Riff Raff! Who is this impostor??

And you never will. Welcome to the real world.

Mmmmm, the character of Aslan was written by an Anglican, not a Catholic. So, do some fact checking, National Catholic Register.

I am a true Christian because I took a meeting with the Pope.”

If you’re super ripped and crush pussy on the regular, you’re an Alpha.

Now playing

As a kid I wanted to be her because she was so badass.

Your Honor, we submit a Morion to Reconsider to this Court, arguing that the Duggar re-direct to Jessa’s wedding appears to be a shameless attention-grab, and that Michelle Duggar has not demonstrated the mental capacity to grasp the subtleties of the concept of Shade.

Kara, do I understand you correctly? I’m not fully hep to all this Millenial lingo. Congrats, I guess?

A few towns over there is an old house were two married couples used to live. Neither of them ever had children. Only after the last of the four had died they discovered diaries and other personal stuff that revealed that, though they were married as hetero couples, the women had been one couple and the two men the



First you have to delete system32.dll though