
I don’t like her.

What color ribbon does one wear for the Glastonbury Massacre?

The government’s current model for assisting disaster victims with rebuilding is primarily via lending. The US Small Business Administration underwrites loans for disaster victims for repair, reconstruction, relocation, and compliance.

During Katrina, the Coast Guard saved countless lives by working tirelessly (and against regulations) to pull flood victims off roofs and out of harms way.

Are we seriously expecting men to step up to care for all the world’s children tomorrow?

The alternate truth term you are searching for is “squatters”.

Can we please hold the Attorney General to a higher standard than a high school sophomore?

Human beings were captured, shackled, and shipped across the world where they were traded as cargo.

We owe Conway the same thing we are all owed. The right to be evaluated based on our action, merits, contributions, thoughts, ideologies, characters, and achievements.

Obviously the ONLY POSSIBLE reason for teaching math is to train future generations of nuclear engineers who will in turn develop weapons of mass destruction for rogue states. So I feel we dodged a pretty significant bullet here.

Please do not armchair diagnose. First, there is zero indication of a mood disorder here.

Three can be many communicable childhood diseases, legitimate accidents, chronic or progressive diseases. It would not be that unusual for a poor family to ask a church organization to assist with burial.

She might want to chose a different guardian for her child knowing that the child’s needs will be different.

So let’s imagine that I am carrying a child with a serious disability. My doctor knows, but doesn’t tell me.

You can’t save everyone from themselves.

Shouldn’t she do SOMETHING before she starts taking about the power of her role? Like...anything?

My local JCC was evacuated twice due to bomb threats. Let’s discuss what happened:

Neither do I.

She is an untrustworthy person. No one will hire her because she is a known fruad. No one will pay her for her story, because she isn’t credible.

He couldn’t come up with an answer that wouldn’t reveal his true intentions.