
Melania is delusional if she thinks that the suggestion that she was once an escort has damaged her reputation, and not her own actions and the actions of her husband.

Melania is delusional if she thinks that the suggestion that she was once an escort has damaged her reputation, and not her own actions and the actions of her husband.

My experience with prison gangs (which comes from working with ex-felons in an addiction treatment environment, not from exposure to the insides of a prison) suggests two things:

I support this judge’s decision.

I use the Mirena IUD and haven’t had a period in 9 years. Love it.

That doesn’t do much to help when your colon has been paralyzed by drugs.

To soon. As a nation, we need more time to processes the Bowling agreed Massacre and to grieve for our collective loss.

My mattress is enclosed in a mattress cover that gets washed regularly and there is a washable topper between the mattress cover and the fitted sheet.

The ADA was passed in 1990. The 90's weren’t part of the civil rights era.

Where do you draw the line?

I am saying that just because I fundamentally disagree with someone on many points, doesn’t mean I can’t appreciate their achievements in areas where we do agree.

I live in a very blue part of a red district in Texas. My representative is a Republican. Through both legislation and the efforts of his constituent services staff, he has served he citizens my little blue area relentlessly. He has advocated on our behalf in the House and in with federal agencies. He has saved people

Step 1: Create fear. Of immigrants, of minorities, of foreigners, of religions.

That’s unfair. The Republican Party has been driving force behind some very important civil rights legislation. George HW Bush championed the ADA; which pitted him against both religious and business interests.

Step 1: Deny that members of LGBTQI community experience violence or oppression. Accuse the media of issuing fake news report or exaggerating abuses. Insert “Alternative Facts” as necessary.

They threatened to deport her children?!!!?!? Who are US Citizens?!!!!!??

I don’t want bogus or trumped up charges being thrown against everyone with a Latino surname by nationalists who are really just looking to “check papers”. And that’s exactly where I see this going.

It might be safer to just set all the White House televisions to the Yule Log channel.

Flight attendant/pilot evacuation training?

Texas has been planning to succeed ever since it joined the nation. This is nothing new.