Giving any other the electoral college winner 13 days to assemble their cabinet and advisory?
Giving any other the electoral college winner 13 days to assemble their cabinet and advisory?
I remember sitting on the bathroom floor of my apartment, in the middle of the night, and shivering while pumping breastmilk from my cracked, bleeding nipples.
Without dismissing legitimate claims of whitewashing, we should not be beholden to casting roles as they were originally conceived.
The jury acted swiftly and with conviction. No need to insult them with assumptions of disregard for the lives of the victims or the suffering of their families.
I tried to put myself in Trumps mind. It was a dark and scary place.
As a recent flood victim, this breaks my heart. Floods are horrible. The loss of life, the enormous economic toll, the emotional’s horrible.
But what about his emails? Email. Email. Email!
What does he mean by “he was given a fourth of a patch”?
When I had my first anatomy scan at 20 weeks, the doctor saw an anomaly with my son’s heart and presented me with a VERY grim prognosis.
A pregnant woman typically has the first detailed anatomy scan at 20 weeks. Many fetal anomalies that are incompatible with life are not discovered prior to this ban.
No company can have a higher debt rating than it’s sovereignty.
I don’t think a 35 year prison sentence for espionage (and other crimes) is outlandishly harsh. If anything, it is a lift sentence.
I agree. She easily could have been sentenced to death or to a life sentence.
I completely agree.
There are so msny opportunities for criticize this woman for her words and actions. No need to beauty shame.
There IS a right way to kill someone. Doctors do it all the time (legally or otherwise) for terminal patients who are in unspeakable pain with no hope for meaningful abatement.
Doctors take an oath to do no harm. Any doctor who participates in an execution should lose their license. Note, I am not talking about compassionate euthenasia.
There is a pervasive view in government that anything that increases profits benefits the masses. As profits rise, so does stock, so does shareholder wealth. While that’s true, it ignores the fact that all workers aren’t equal participants in the capital markets.
They should be so lucky. Once plankton and sea kelp go extinct, the dolphins food sources will also go extinct.
Trump is evaluating climate change based upon what he physically feels. Winters in NY are still brutally cold. Summers in NY don’t feel warmer.