
There IS a right way to kill someone. Doctors do it all the time (legally or otherwise) for terminal patients who are in unspeakable pain with no hope for meaningful abatement.

Doctors take an oath to do no harm. Any doctor who participates in an execution should lose their license. Note, I am not talking about compassionate euthenasia.

There is a pervasive view in government that anything that increases profits benefits the masses. As profits rise, so does stock, so does shareholder wealth. While that’s true, it ignores the fact that all workers aren’t equal participants in the capital markets.

They should be so lucky. Once plankton and sea kelp go extinct, the dolphins food sources will also go extinct.

Trump is evaluating climate change based upon what he physically feels. Winters in NY are still brutally cold. Summers in NY don’t feel warmer.

She can’t chime in. She’s dead.

Going to the police can be very scary. She told an adult she trusted. She did exactly what we teach our children to do.

Taiwan’s official names are the Republic of China and Chinese Taipei (depending on the context).

I take it you are not familiar with Iran pre-Islamic Revolution. The Shah banned the headscarf and chador, denying Muslim women the right to purdah.

To Jim Ackroyd and the rest of the Ace Hardware board of directors: You are on the wrong side of history.

The Nazarines at Easter time.

Not allowing someone to cover their face is just as oppressive as forcing them to cover it.

So, again...just because some women HAVE to cover up means that NO ONE should be allowed to cover up? Explain your logic, please.

When Houston flooded in 2015 and 2016, one of the mega churches argued that Obama ordered the floods to displace hardworking Americans and make room for Syrian refugees.

I wonder if Trump knows that he is about to be responsible for national disaster declarations.

Quick question for the Christians: How many of you attend a church that is surrounded by a bomb wall?

Years ago, I went to a wound care clinic that shared a lobby with a Planned Parenthood.

If OB/GYNs who perform abortions are “abortionists”, does that make plastic surgeons who perform nose jobs “rhinoplastologists”?

So...because SOME women are forced to cover their faces, NO woman should have the right to cover their face?
