
I’m from Manhattan. There are plenty of terms to describe someone from Manhattan. Hick is not one of them.

Can we get a source for your claim that $7/serving is the average price for a prepared dish that contains real meat?

You are the one that keeps bringing up salad in a conversation about collard greens. Remember when you said “SALAD SALAD SALAD. Collard greens are salad.” I’ll give you a hint. Look at your post date and time stamped 11/02/16 at 10:09 pm

If they didn’t come from the kitchen of a woman that will defend her collards recipe with every last bit of strength in her being, then they don’t count.

No reason to fear for your safety over not liking collards.

Collards aren’t salad.

Look who lays out the big bucks for organic collards!

$7.00 a serving for collards is insane. It’s closer to $0.50 a serving.

Collard greens aren’t served in salad. They are served cooked with a bit of seasoning. And they are very cheap. I make collards for group dinners all the time. It costs about $4.00 to make enough to feed a dozen people.


Just like the good old days, when my MIL was warned to never let her student’s know that she was Jewish. Because scandal.

Trump claimed thousands of people in Texas have had their votes changed from Trump to Clinton.

How exactly does one prepare to be persecuted?

I am guessing that you are NOT one of the people for whom it will be worse.

The long term ramifications of the expansion of Catholic run healthcare will be devestating.

Voter intimidation

If anyone is giving Maria shit, they should be throwing some at Melania as well. A backless gown is just as dramatic a plunging neckline.

Trump has been evoking the Protocols Of The Elders Of Zion in the past few weeks. Anti-Catholic sentiments play right into that narrative.

This is totally off point, but....

It would be disqualifying for Hillary to have had 5 children with 3 different husbands. That’s absolutely scandalous. But when Trump does essentially the same thing, it is not held against him.