
Spontaneous human combustion?

The most dangerous job in the US is President of the US.

I have no problem with polygamy.

Someone needs to remind designers that there are plus sized women with traditional business dress codes.

I feel that there is a lot of ignorance around transgender issues.


Trump has never directly encouraged anyone to go out and assault young mothers. But he did express fear, anger and hatred against....well, too many groups to name here. But Muslims are high on the list.

I support Hillary. It’s on my social media accounts. It’s on my lawn. My bumper. The t-shirt I’m wearing right now.

And yet you keep the conversation going. You can’t be that bored.

Sorry, I disagree.

My point is that she should be allowed to have long hair, provided she style it in a military approved style.

Islamaphobic hate crimes predates Trump’s candidacy by a loooooong time.

The military allows women to have long hair. But they have to style it in an approved way. Women can’t just run around with long flowing hair. Being in a military prison shouldn’t exempt her from this rule.

And in the military.

Except I was arguing against the basic notion that these people....this is an article about more than one name change...are not entitled to be honored by having buildings named after them.

My death is only relevant if I stipulated that the school was free to redirect my gift upon my death. Or I somehow failed to set up the most basic of legal instruments to retain control. It is just not that hard to control money from beyond the grave.

Actually, there I disagree with you.

So much of what this idiot said was garbage. Let me focus on the minutiae.

Is the argument that his victims were willing to overcome ALL the deterrents to reporting sexual assault, as well as the obstacles associated with suing a wealthy celebrity with practically limitless resources, BECAUSE that celebrity is African American and therefore an easy target?

If they announced the change and said; “It is the morally sound thing to do”, then someone would ask some very, very logical follow-up questions.