
Till it happens to you by Lady Gaga

Ask Trump where he plans to build his wall. It can’t be in Mexico. So it will be in America. Largely on land owned by Americans. I’m sure they will love losing their land. Who wouldn’t?

Note how pale Texas is.

Advocating murder and vigilante justice.

Some people don’t think the rules apply to them.

If you lied at any point in your petition for a visa, green card, or citizenship, you can absolutely be deported.

As a woman with an MBA, a masters degree in Economics, multiple publications in peer reviewed journals of Economics and Finance, 15 years experience on Wall Street, and who has sat on FASB (Financial Accounting Standards Board)...I have absolutely no idea where Trump would find a woman who is capable of directing

I have worked with Steve Feinberg. He is an excellent economic analyst and was a pleasure to work for.

Where do you live? I may have some suggestions.

I have curly hair.

The title is insensitive, callous, and downright mean.

But but but she’s so pretty.

He’s racist because of the horrific things he has said about and done to African Americans, Native Americans, Latinos, etc. The chicken doesn’t make him racist.

I am on both methotrexate (pills) and Rituxan (IV). They have always been explained to me as cytotoxins or chemotherapy. It never occurred to me to call them anything else. And I am NOT a diva.

No, no, no, and no.

While Texas is red, many parts of it are solidly purple.

I’m against abortion. So I wouldn’t have one. But I would never presume to tell another woman what to do with her body. Her body, her choice. You respect my right to make reproductive decisions and I’ll respect yours.

Kaine could be THE THING that pushes Hillary to victory in Texas. With Texas, she really doesn’t need any swing state to win.

Reed vs. Gilbert is the most recent US Supreme Coury decision that protects freedom of expression, almost completely regardless of content.

I want to protect vulgar, offensive, hurtful, racist, controversial or hateful speech. Because that is the entire point of Freedom of Speech.