
There’s nothing wrong with consensual rough sex. But if you choke your girlfriend until she is unconscious, then have sex with her limp body, SOMETHING IS VERY WRONG.

Story time: My uncle was a non-violent criminal. He was guilty. He was wrong. He deserved to be punished and was looking at a 15 year sentence.

What has to happen for rape to be taken seriously?

There is so much wrong with this story.

I still take my 8 year old into the ladies room with me. He can’t reach the sink handles to wash his own hands.

What could there possibly be to complain about?

Do they braid their own hair? Or do sister wives style each other’s hair. The former would be mad impressive.

I have had the pleasure of meeting Dustin Hoffman multiple times. He has always been kind, respectful, generous with his time, and compassionate (especially towards children in crisis).

Which is so sad. Because while domestic violence against men is a serious problem, and gun violence against everyone is a serious problem....this story is not representative of any of the common domestic violence scenarios that threaten men.

Isn’t this how Chris Christie wants domestic violence issues resolved? With more guns in the home?

So as long as there is an end date on the restraining order and the guns would be returned when the restraining order was lifted, you would be fine with all this?

So your plan is for the accused to walk around with a firearm until the trial? While we all just hope really hard that they don’t escalate violence against their victim?

So at least you understand that there are circumstances where losing some of one’s rights based on accusations is justified. You aren’t hopeless.

Are you suggesting that people should retain all of their rights, no matter what accusations they face or the merit of those accusations?

I don’t want a gun. I don’t want to use a gun.

What happens after he first half of first period? Where do the dogs go then?

TIL that I am not a real American. Thanks, Charlie.

Police officers are required to defend their weapons. This generally means than any gun not in use should be holstered or securely locked up.

The on-the-job death rate for police officers is actually pretty low. Of course, it is tragic when any police officer is killed. But it is not common.

Can we add bipolar to the list of mental health conditions that should never be used as a pejorative?