
I am most certainly not talking about Denton. Shudder.

Waco. As in Baylor. Awesome, hip college town. Low cost of living.

I was born and raised in NYC. Moved to Houston in my late 30's. Wouldn’t move back for anything.

Detox? Do I have to do this?

It sounds like the victim had some say in the matter as to whether she would accept financial compensation instead of going to trial. While it is good that her wishes were considered...

I’m an old, but not that old.

When I first got sick, I asked for a flexible work schedule so that I could do infusions on Fridays and recover Saturdays and Sundays. “Somehow” this was presented to HR as a childcare related request. By “somehow”, I mean I made the request without the requisite penis.

She is also an expert in Russian affairs who served in a an advisory capacity during the Cold War and was the US Ambassador to the UN.

The thing is, Craig doesn’t hate Ted Cruz for a living. Craig is an accomplished professional with friends, family, interests and achievements who happens to hate Ted Cruz.

I say this without a shred of irony. Dear God, won’t someone please think of the children!

I feel this advice is solid.

If you didn’t want to have a child who will require round-the-clock, intensive inpatient medical care,why did you have sex? Slut.

They needed an entire zebra costume? A simple sign around the neck reading “zebra” wouldn’t do the trick?

You can’t. That’s what is so sad. You can’t reverse the neurological damage of lead poisoning.

Dumb question: How are people bathing their children? Adults and older children can take care to not get tap water in their mouths when showering/bathing. What about babies and young children? Are people heating bottled water on the stove for bathing? Are there devices for heating bottled water in the bath tub?

An underpaid woman of color, of course.

There are plenty of excellent biopics about African Americans that focus on their craft (Ray, What’s Love Got to Do With It, Lady Sings the Blues), athletic achievements (Ali, 42, The Hurricane) or political dynasty.

If I’m not talking or thinking about white men...what am I supposed to doing with my time?

So was this a hate crime? Or a vengence over a perceived slight. FWIW, I’m 100% opposed to both.

Four more debates?