
I never thought much about tampons or pads being taxed, because they were just something I’ve picked up and used for 2+ decades. I lumped them in with all my drugstore items from shampoo and deodorant to weird “all natural NOT MELATONIN Melatonin” sleep-aids and Vapo-Rub. It’s not true equality. Is there a vital

I know Kanye he thinks he’s the greatest artist to ever art, but between the *NEWSFLASH* album name changes, the Wiz/Amber Twitter thing, the Cosby tweet, and now this, I feel like he’s pulling from the Kardashian/Jenner buzz playbook because the product itself isn’t good enough to stand alone. I haven’t heard the

Wow...switched devices to comment in Kinja and commented on the wrong post. I’d blame the wine I drank during the debate, but I’m just a dumbfuck.

I know Kanye he thinks he’s the greatest artist to ever art, but between the *NEWSFLASH* album name changes, the Wiz/Amber Twitter thing, the Cosby tweet, and now this, I feel like he’s pulling from the Kardashian/Jenner buzz playbook because the product itself isn’t good enough to stand alone. I haven’t heard the


I realize entertainment dollars are a portion of what fuels our USA economic motor, but really? Did they ask Bernie about this as well, or just Hillary?

My dad will always be a round behind.

At an old job, our small state agency was shuffled under the umbrella of a much larger one and I used to live for the entertainment of unhinged reply all emails. I often didn’t know the details of what made the sender(s) upset, but the font choices, sizing, inspiring e-signatures and 1/2 page confidentiality

Damn, I need to check out the fan fiction. There’s probably a West Ham United joke here somewhere, but I’m not funny or juvenile enough to make it.

Sooo...Ginny was a beard for Dean, then?

No one in my family cares about HP. I think they are Dursleys. One of my favorite HP film moments:

I caught snippets of this show while visiting my mom over the holidays. She loves the talk shows so between The Real, The View, and The Talk, I gotta say FabLife was kind of a wreck in an oversaturated swamp of shit.

The first episode of HTGAWM I started freaking out, yelling “Merlin’s pants! It’s Dean Thomas.” Can we get a cameo from the actor who plays bestie Seamus Finnigan, possibly blowing something up?