
Well, the thing is that is should be focused on her name simply so people will remember what they are talking about. If it has “Watson” in the name people will remember that it’s her book club. The name they used is so generic that I wonder if people will forget what it is and have to be constantly reminded.

“Our Shared Shelf”

“last place I worked was populated by *asshole bullies*

This is WAY too common, describes way too many people’s workplaces. There needs to be some f*cking *anti-asshole legislation*.

Came to comments to say this. Third type: those of us who work straight through so we can get home at a reasonable hour and see the kids before bedtime.

I have to work through lunch because of all the time I waste here.

choosing this career path involves the cultivation of a chitinous exoskeleton, involuntary or not

i’m annoyed with this. not really that they endorsed HRC- but they endorsed anyone in the primary. why bother? both bernie and HRC will be good for planned parenthood. why not wait until the general election and endorse the dem and we can all get behind it? this is just pissing off donors and causing infighting

1994 me: if i could have anyone’s face it would be Christy Turlington’s.

Orlando Bloom—who once swung a punch at Justin Bieber at a restaurant in Ibiza

I’m a cuticle biter. I don’t actually bite my finger nails themselves, I hate the mouth feel of biting into the hard fingernail. I actually chew my cuticles until they bleed, sometimes peeling off layers of skin at once. I hate doing it. I hate how terrible my hands look all the time, but there is something so


I read an interesting article recently (can’t remember where) that pointed out that it’s really a great compliment to David Schwimmer that we don’t hate Ross more. A know it all jerk with anger and jealousy issues and a tendency to cheat on girlfriends, plus, after a certain point he appears to just stop caring about

Am I old? Who are these people?

What harm comes from supplying people with birth control, condoms, Pap smears, and cancer screenings?

It’s really not. Cheerleading is a highly gymnastic sport with an injury rate far higher than football.

So the cheerleaders, who are also professional athletes, are supposed to make ends meet via ... what, exactly? Fucking the team and hopefully getting a few bills shoved their way in return? How nice and open-minded of these conservative fucksticks to show their support for prostitution.

I grew boobs in elementary school. Something completely out of my control and was immediately called a slut by some of the parents at my school.

I’m loling at the idea that you think Royals shop from catalogs. She picked it out of an assortment of rings that Charles had Garrard’s bring over to the palace.

I have always wanted my own hair castle.