
Is it by chance a drinking game?

Haha precisely! No matter the subject, there's always that one person who blames it on Obama.

Caramel cake is one of those foods that I could probably eat until I made myself sick.

It's between 3-5, amiright??

When my cousin from California came to stay with us a couple summers ago, he told me to always repeat this comment to myself on internet news articles: never read the comments, never read the comments, they will just drive you crazy so never read the comments. This is the only news place I read and post comments on.

Back then we had pretty much guaranteed house lines when with friends and pay phones everywhere. Neither of those are common nowadays.

Everyone I know who was raised with an extremely restricted diet has an unhealthy and obsessive relationship with food. Nothing wrong with moderation.

The iPhone is one thing, but the crazy diet really isn’t good. For one there’s so many cases where that sort of intense food control turns out to be really mentally unhealthy. For another, banning all fun/unhealthy food isn’t actually teaching your kids about moderation and making good choices.

It might be because they did that, that you now have a messy bedroom. My mom was always on my case about picking up and my adult defiance to her as I've learned is to HATE tidying up.

Fortunately I am an adult who has her own place, because if anything I left lying around on the floor was taken away I’d be going to work naked.

I’m sure when Rocco doesn’t clean his room and Madonna yells at him he just says, “Mama, don’t preach, I’m just expressing my self. Stop yelling at me I’m here on holiday. You’re being a borderline schizo. You should thank your lucky star for a son like me. I’ll remember and cherish our time spent together, open your

I completely understand that this must feel incredibly shitty for Gutierrez, and I actually agree with her that the way the organization handled it was weirdly incompetent, but am I the only person who feels like she could be, I dunno, more gracious and good-humored about the whole thing? I mean, no one ‘took your

But what about the girl squad? Isn’t Harry off limits? Isn’t that against girl squad code?

Perhaps there is a spray that smells like roast pork and atheism?

Was this the general contractor? If so, the perpetrator should spend a more time watching Little Mosque on the Prairie, then he’d know that Yasir rents the space.

I’m sorry for laughing. It’s like what a middle school student would think would be SUPER OFFENSIVE to Muslims and it’s seriously so juvenile and I feel like a kid for laughing at it. I’m happy the dude was like “Actually this is p comical.”

That anti-Islamic people continue to think that bacon is to Muslims as kryptonite is to Superman is so hilarious.

Great. Can I wrap a used tampon around the door to a gun shop?

Right? It’s just a way to unwind with some friends. I haven’t been yet but it seems like fun.

Except you know, people choose to go to a paint and sip but not a work camp in Siberia. But other than that totes the same.