
So I’m 35. And I tried Tinder. I really just wanted pot. Jesus a horrible let down.

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I didn’t scroll down, but you’ve seen this, right?

This must understand how much of an asshole this guy is. Worse than hate fuck. But, I took 2 shots of the turkey, and I let him in my throat (and pants).

Dollars to donuts at least one of these dumb motherfuckers decide to bring a real gun and ends up killing someone.

I remember back when she wore it to the Oscars I thought maybe if it fit her better up top, or if someone else wore it, it would be pretty. Gotta say, looking at it now, I think it is just a solid NOPE. The shade of pink, the material, the length, the design. I like nothing about it.

When I watched The Wire for the first time, I had multiple sex dreams about Jimmy McNulty. The sex was just as sloppy and slutty as one would imagine it to be.

I don’t think it’s that people dislike good, handcrafted stuff. It's more the insufferable hipster attitude and their general disdain for anything considered “mainstream”.

I’m finally going to dive into Jessica Jones and I. Cannot. Wait. I already have my snacks and booze and did laundry so my comfiest jams are clean. you mind telling me what series you watched? I recently binge-read “The Romanov Sisters” by Helen Rappaport and would definitely binge a series on the family.

Hoo boy! The conservative blovitariat isn’t going to know what to freak out about today.

A CNN story reported the couple dropped their daughter off with a grandmother in the morning, claiming they had a doctor’s appointment to go to. As of the story post their daughter was still with the grandmother.

McCarthy is from New York, not Chicago. We’ve only been stuck with him since 2011.

It actually was the flu last Thanksgiving, but you have a point about the quitting sickness. I relapsed back into smoker status for about 2 months this summer. When I quit again, I had to cough gunk up again (much less severe) but I also felt mildly sick for a few days.

That talking bowel obstruction is Rep. Adam Kinzinger, of the 16th district of my home state, Illinois. He helps make laws. He’s not my Rep, but I’m embarrassed and furious all the same.

Last year I quit smoking a few weeks before Thanksgiving, and then caught a nasty case of flu a few days before the holiday. As most who have quit smoking can attest, as your lungs heal themselves you spend quite a bit of time hacking up absolutely vile gunk. So there was that, but with the added bonus of infected

At the end, the cop so dramatically kicks the knife out of Laquan’s hand (if that indeed is what it is, I can’t see it clearly). Despite the horror, this is real life and not a movie. Y’all just shot this kid 16 times, he’s not going to wake up and grab your leg.

That's Rhiannon.

If Rack and Adele’s stylist get together and produce, I will be there cash in hand.

Yes! I loved that too.

I love it. My figure is similar to Adele’s and I never in my life imagined coveting a sexy dress FRINGED dress.