
I broke my wrist falling out of a very complicated (but not at all sporty, of course!) mount. I probably would have been spared the break if we had proper practice mats, but the wrestling boys needed them at the same time, so you know priorities. But I’ll be Goddamned if my ass wasn’t proudly out there that Friday

The cups are red with green and white. Looks pretty christmasey to me.

Hmm...maybe one day we can look forward to Rob’s “Going Clear: Kardashian and the Prison of Keeping Up.”

Was Rob even there? I haven’t seen him any pictures. Or is he still just not Instagram-worthy (read, overweight)?

I normally am an unabashed hatewatcher of most horrible things, but not tonight. I will patiently await tomorrow’s written recaps.

My ex-boyfriend worked at his Phoenix restaurant and met him several times. It sounds like he is pretty awesome.

Ooh...good to know. I like the price too.

My friends got me drunk on Sour Apple Puckers schnapps and Zima and took me to Chuck E. Cheese to play Skeeball, eat shitty pizza, and be terrorized by the animatronic band. Nowhere near as cool as Tracee’s.

So, marketing guru, you don’t have access to Oldies or Classic Rock FM stations? Or that newfangled SiriusXM radio that’s become fairly popular in the last 10-15 years? I hear they have entire channels devoted to music from the 60s and 70s!

Yeah, I played the shit out of her videos on YouTube during my teen years circa 1993-2000.

Yes. I’m 35 and I love Janis. My “baby” cousin is 19 and he also loves Janis. She's fairly iconic.

I’m diggin’ this Chris Stapleton feller. I’m sorry JT, but when you go for the high notes this is all I can see.

They both still seem like douchebags.

I just put it on my wishlist to hold until next payday. I need a new leak-proof thermos to bring coffee from home to work since my office coffee is made in a Soviet-era industrial coffee machine and tastes like charred roof shingles steeped in battery acid.

Yeah. I have like 3 FB friends currently with pink ends or streaks. 2 with purple. And a mermaid hair.


Yeah, but the Mac part comes from John and Christine McVie. Plus, is there a FM without Stevie? Nope.

Oh Gwen. Oh honey. Yuck.

I once bet on a horse named Lucia Buns and won $8. It was the best day.