
Eat it, bigots.

He and Cheney should go hunting together.

That is some bullshit.

Eh, the extra hour to Netflix episodes of The Office and drink hot boozy cider in my coziest sweats and fluffy robe is pretty great so far.

Funny, as a taxpayer, I feel the same way about Paul Ryan.

Good choice! I love the Gnarly Head Old Vine Zin. 14.5% whoop whoop!

I’ve gained quite a bit of weight the last couple of years due to medications I take. When I first started gaining it all settled in my mid-section, making quite a pronounced belly. In the course of a week I had 2 separate women ask me if I am pregnant and I had the same retort as you. I was already very conscious of

I’m drinking red wine in bed with my cat. I was supposed to go to my friend’s house to drink and hand out candy to trick-or-treaters, but she isn’t feeling well. My apartment building never gets trick-or-treaters, which is a bummer. I’ve had a rough year and my heart just wasn’t in doing a costume and big plans.

“Yes she can, special, special girl.”

Bob Ross episodes on YouTube and Klonopin have helped me weather many a severe panic attack.

I like it. The Donald certainly is a chip off the ol’ Blanc.

Linen White?

People Against the White Moose Cafe ranks right up there with the I Hate Rachel Club.

No makeup. No men. No problem.

I made a cauliflower dish Sunday night too. I tossed a head of florets with minced garlic, bacon crumbles (and the grease in lieu of olive oil) and salt and pepper. I roasted it for 20 mins and then melted shredded cheddar on top. It was amazing!

I was disappointed that Gilded Lilys wasn’t picked up. I would have watched the shit out a Shondaland Downton-esque show, even a terrible one.

I was forbidden to use any swear words as a kid. This naturally included words like ass and damn, but also words like “crap,” “suck,” “pee,” “poop” (I had to say “#1” and “#2”) butt, (rear or behind) and “fart” (“bombom,” my personal favorite :-/). I made friends with a girl in my class who was a true savant of swear

I want to be excited about this, but PP2 was meh and the new Flashlight song was pretty lame. As was the new Bella who sang it.

Same here, because of this story. I don't care if it is an urban legend or not, the visual of termites growing in a tongue is enough for me to NOPE!

Well, the point of the article is that current generations seem to have no interest in paying money to see the “new persona.” Maybe the future generations you speak of will.