All — day — long.
All — day — long.
Ruin porn. Excellent. Gears of War, indeed, has some of the best ruin porn around.
Good answer to a trollish comment. I mean, seriously, it's a damn video game website. Of COURSE video games are a priority!
I think it's awesome that you have genuine hope for what you believe in, for the future of the Catholic church. The upper administrative echelon has done some incredibly unfair and awful things to thousands of people, but that shouldn't place a red "A" on the chest of every member of every diocese.
Jesus. He did Secret of Evermore, too? I'm sold. Take my damn money and get the hell out of here.
Loved it. I'll see your Ensiferum and raise you a Nekrogoblikon.
Ohhhhh myyyyy Ggggoooooodddd. He does. Good eye, there.
I'll raise your Butte with Southern-born IPA. Monkeynaut is so redneck-licious, it's a craft beer in a can.
Beside the rampant destruction and mad bloodshed, the whole trailer had a serious Bastion vibe going for it. THAT'S how you make a damn trailer.
My God. I'm a few months out from being a father — if my kid watches this shit, I'm gonna lose it. I'M GONNA LOSE IT.
Dude — an MVS in that zebrawood would be off the chain. In fact, it would remove the chain, it's so off it.
Wow. First world problems.
Amen for Blizzard taking it like a champ. It sucked for everybody, but at least they owned up to it.
No one ever gets the point these days. With the freedom of the Internet comes the freedom to be a damned moron 95 percent of the time. Don't worry about fact checking or saying the right thing — just say whatever comes to your mind immediately upon reading the first paragraph. Nailed it.
Oh, flame on, you unstoppable flamers of yore — you flamethrowers of legendary constitution, you.
It is. And that dude definitely was named scannerbarkly. Well done, planet Earth.
Well, technically, anyone who has ever taken communion is pretty "self-absorbed" about you, too.
There isn't a whole lot of words to describe my feelings about this article, but, as a married man, myself:
Ahhhh. Thank you very much for the clarification.