I sure am glad you made mention of both the astronaut and Olympian standings I've been shooting for — however, you are still Cave Johnson, manliest of manly men. I shall never forget this.
I sure am glad you made mention of both the astronaut and Olympian standings I've been shooting for — however, you are still Cave Johnson, manliest of manly men. I shall never forget this.
Cave Johnson NEVER pays for anything — it is always given to him. ALWAYS.
It's a dim and musty senior center — the smell of hospital antiseptic and bathroom cleaner fills the air like cigarette smoke hanging over a crowded bar on a Saturday night.
Your retort makes me ecstatic — both of your retorts? Both retorts. I like this side of the master race — shit's spicy.
You, sir, are a fabulous character. Applause — TO YOU!
I really didn't like that dude. Something about his "bro-ness" that made me never want to hear him talk ever again.
Touché. A common sense point for you!
Don't beat yourself up about it. We're all here for you — here for every colorful piece and all six delicious collectible pieces. Mmmmmmmmm — collectible pieces.
No truer words were ever spoken.
Being that I already like instrumental music, it's a win, but the vocals? Holy hell. Those are legitimate songs. Ridiculously legitimate songs. I've been humming them in the damn bathroom for days, and it's really pissing my wife off.
Play it. Put it at the top of the list. It's completely worth the price.
On another note, this shit is hilarious. Asia! For the win!
Hey. That's what I gleaned. From what I know, Rainbow Six now is more or less Callbow of Dix: Black Patriots, amirite?
That was awesomely played, bro-brah-brosephus!
It even follows the damn song — syllables and all. Genius!
Winner. That's a winner, right there.
Memes will be the downfall of civilization. For example ... turn your volumez way down.