
By a long shot, the hardest in the game. He's like cement compared to pre-chewed cotton candy, in comparison to everyone else.

I don't like being obligatory, but this definitely is.


Belial is the fucking worst. Ever.

Someone shut the door. There's some weird shit going on in here.

Seems like attempted rape to me! Shazam!

Yeah. I pretty much love more than life going home and never seeing my family.

That's good stuff, right there. Good stuff, indeed.

I wish I could dismiss him as a troll, as well, but you're right — way too many people actually think like that to just shoo it away as trollism.

Damn thing looks like it came out of heaven! IT'S DIABLO III ALL OVER AGAIN!

I has next to nothing to do with being of the same ideology. To say it's an ideology is to believe it is some sort of study or science. It's causing it to be less than what it actually is. It is none of those.

"How in the fucking cognitive dissonance can the same group of people spew anti-Semitic vitriol and then accuse others of being Nazis?"

Genius. This is perfected genius — at its most perfect.

I'm always the "Better watch that corner," dude. Because, damn it, you better watch that corner.

Holy hell, that's classic X-men right there.

Damn LOAD of FUS RO DAH. In fact, Son of Fus Ro Dah probably would be an appropriate name.

Now playing

Nah. That's not fair. I hear those West Bend assholes know how to work their way around an AMD chipset. No wait — wait, I'm incorrect. It's not Windows. Obviously, kill it with fire.

You're welcome. I do what I can.

Hell — if I'd known it was gonna be this kind of party, I'd have stuck my dick in the mashed potatoes!

Rule one — gotta respect first poster. You, sir, are the winner. I just provided some heavy ass backup.