I was definitely concerned with the gold duct tape gloves. The bicycle helmet foam — maybe, but Clarke wouldn't be caught dead with gold duct tape gloves.
I was definitely concerned with the gold duct tape gloves. The bicycle helmet foam — maybe, but Clarke wouldn't be caught dead with gold duct tape gloves.
Totally sent that message to the wrong person. Try it again.
What?! Offense?! To the best line ever written by modern man?! I mean, James Cameron was no Shakespeare or anything, but that line — that line right there — when Ripley says that line right there, sitting in that damn honking power loader, staring down that alien queen with the tail and the giant witch doctor mask —…
More like a travesty of galactic proportions.
God, I hope this game actually delivers. It's going to be a crap October if it doesn't.
I totally trust People Can Fly to do a good job with this. Bulletstorm's control scheme was tight, Gears of War's multiplayer has hit a high point and they're inventive. INVENTIVE — CREATIVE — things needed from a developer.
You're welcome! Thanks for making sense!
Today, sir, you share in this victory — a victory met by might steeds, steeds that probably would buy that Colonial Marines collector's edition, because they're ballin' like that.
She's not using it as a trigger word. She clearly states that she's not going into convulsions, crying on the floor every time it's used in a multiplayer match. It's more of an irk that anything else. Her friend, on the other hand, shows it does a much worse number on her.
Hearted. There is a subtle magic in weaving the ridiculous in a sensible way. Would you say like minded or more absent minded?
Making a special trip to pre-order tomorrow. Too much awesome. Can't be contained.
It seems most of my comments have something to do with you, Stream of Consciousness. I'm a big fan. I appreciate what you've done for the world.
I like that that's what you said.
What can I say. I like my science fiction like I like my coffee — brewed by Ridley Scott, poured by James Cameron and mixed by Paul Verhoeven.
HOLY HELL. Seriously? That's amazing. That's an amazing collection. Think of how many "Get away from her, you bitch" lines you could make during social situations! Tons. Literally, and I mean literally, in every sarcastic sense, metric tons of weightless words of virtual awesomeness.
You know what? I totally agree with this. You've seen atrocities, sure — you've got some wiggle room to wax poetic about life. Some. That doesn't mean I expect my hired guns to run around acting like the Sigmund Freuds of the underworld or a brooding gang of Walt Whitmans.
That's solid research. I'm not taking that bet, because you're right.
Jesus Maria Murphy. Anybody want some damn 40s? I'm buying — my tab.
That, sir, is a shitload of win.