I'm pretty sure that every person who's let this IP go the way of the ghost probably cries themselves to sleep at night. Would be excruciatingly lovely.
I'm pretty sure that every person who's let this IP go the way of the ghost probably cries themselves to sleep at night. Would be excruciatingly lovely.
Agreed. This video actually made me sad that Chrono Trigger hasn't gotten any real justice with the next generations. All they did was make it portable. Bullshit.
I think it's hilarious that a vast majority of the discussions here deal with how MMORPGs are dying off in the United States. I mean, they've only been around for decades now. They'll probably die out the same time as first-person shooters. You know — never.
I was a bit harsh. Maybe duder's having a bad day at work or he was carrying his lunch this morning and some douche falcon grabbed it and took it away.
Thanks. That was much more along the lines of the answer I was looking for. Plus, I just found the link for the base image. For some reason, I never realized there was a base image. It makes more sense, now.
Obviously I understand the video game part. Thank you. I was confused where I was on the Interwebs yet again.
Maybe I'm missing something, but can someone explain why every TAY picture seems to deal with video games and, what the hell is that, Renaissance artworks? I feel like there's some hidden rule I'm clearly skimming over somewhere.
Too much genius running around in here.
Yes. To everyone, Mr. Narcisse meant to say Diablo III. He missed an "I."
You're a promising star on the intellectual scene. Keep up the good work, Johnny Flame!
Exactly. I'm pretty sure the only words I saw in that article were "working" and "Marathon."
I know, RIGHT?!?! Durandal would be so pleased. Back to S'pht, bitches. I gotta catch up on my lore.
Holy God — Bungie's working on a new Marathon. My 10-year-old Macintosh self would be squealing.
Your common sense is amazing. You're my new best friend, Bender Bending Rodriguez Jr. Where have you been all my life?
Having a great time. Feels like a throwback to the old days of hack-and-slash gaming. Brought me out of the console funk.
No. You've been playing the same game, but you don't have a raging hardon for blasting popular things because they're popular. Sure, some of the complaints are genuine, but not everything in the world has to be "Han shot first."