
Ohhhhh come on — not YOU personally, just the rabble. Yeah. They like stabbing the rabble.

You're missing the REAL point however. Duder's icon says "I miss W." Clearly, he's the only person in America who thinks this way. NO ONE COULD BE THAT IDIOTIC! NO ONE!

Hey now. Even the biker grandpappys know how to get down — or stab you.

Exactly what I was thinking. Ever seen Dead Ringers? Yeah. A little like that.

Rant of the day — mostly because of "plastic ice cream hat wonderland" and "serving coffee that's strong enough to wake up the dead." It sounds like this awesome hole in the wall near my house. It's just a bunch of old guys wearing biker gear drinking liquor and smoking cigarettes, and it's called the fucking Sputnik,

Awwww that's good I didn't even think about ...

Me: I need to finish this editorial for tomorrow's paper.

Holy shit — defenstrating? Well played, sir. Well played.



Indeed. Like Modern Warfare is the only first-person shooter to ever exist. Let's copy that shit! It makes money!

I agree wholeheartedly. It's like Mario 2 — they took some Mario sprites and slapped it in a game that didn't make any sense. Was that the best Mario? No. Couldn't they have just made another groundbreaking Mario game that bested the original and prepared for 3? Well, they damn well should have.

I've never imagined Luna Lovegood having such well-versed insight — shows what the hell I know.

Thread of the day. I can't deal with this shit.

Is it sad that I got all head excited when I first heard him switch into the Garrus voice? Probably not. It's Kotaku, for chrissake.

Super easy — " In the year 200X, a super robot named Mega Man was created."

Super fantastical!

Wow. Astounding.

Lord of the perversion pit.