I'm going to assume this is, more or less, exactly what happened before she was stabbed.
I'm going to assume this is, more or less, exactly what happened before she was stabbed.
That is such a guttural sound — beside that hilll-aaaa-rrriiiooouuussss.
It's just too damn heavy! I would love to use it, but I'm not as talented with head popping. I need my biotics to even the odds. Plus, that reload feels like it takes days compared to the Valiant's.
I agree with you, completely. Everything you said, in fact. Try out the N7 Valiant, if you got the pack. It's a must-have.
I found it very entertaining. Well done, sir. Nothing wrong with a little wub wub ever now-and-then.
Good Lord! West Coast! From now on, you're my model. Delicious Nesquik, here I come.
Damn it. I'm never smart enough to post something like that at 6:30 in the morning. How do you do it?
That first picture clearly shows the dude wanting to punch her in the face, but social norms have stopped him in his tracks. Instead? He goes for the fistbump. This is no "couple too beautiful for this world." This is a murderous man, sick of playing Dynasty Warriors with his lady.
Well + done = Welldone = Hamburger = Delicious = Great job all around!
Come on, now. That would be like typing with assholes for fingers, not just betwixt. Lord knows that would go terribly.
Indeed. Indeed it is. I will say this — I generally, 95 percent of the time, do not agree with your arguments. You own up to them, however, and I certainly respect that.
I keep reading these responses backwards. I understand wanting a true Max Payne sequel, but he can't stay in New York City for the rest of his life. In reality, Max Payne 2 didn't live up to Max Payne. The original has an absolutely unattainable story — homeless soldiers on designer drug break into detective's home…
I don't know. I'm giving them the benefit of the doubt solely because they made bullet time in multiplayer functional. That's got to be tough.
After reading this one, I wish it had been your primary concern. At any rate, notice you said "potentially." You have no idea if it truly will bring down the single player. The focus, more than likely, has been shifted to the multiplayer because it's something new to the series. You don't continue to advertise how…
Funny — I feel similar about your epic yarns as well.
I remember playing A Beast Within back in 1995-96, something like that, and my 11-year-old self thinking that shit was nuts.
It's wonderful. Weird — and that's saying a lot considering the other games on your list — but wonderful. I'd include Secret of Evermore on there, as well. It wasn't as well received as Secret of Mana, but I loved the alchemy mechanics they threw in there.
Well written, sir — and Durandal, personally, was my favorite. Something about it — God. The first computer my dad bought me was a Macintosh Performa in 1995. I had Warcraft II and Marathon. I've stuck with Blizzard and Bungie ever since.
Agreed. They're all in the same boat of evil. All of them.