
I'm not even going to attempt to get into this discussion, since I agree with a plethora of ideas thrown around here. I just came by to say this: Thank you for mentioning Marathon. I always have been pleased with the writing for that game, even if it only came through computer consoles. I always wanted to find the

You're, more than likely, the smartest person on Kotaku, then.

That I will certainly agree with. My wife's friends say it all the time, and it makes me want to punch babies. Plus, I'm a journalist. I just have an unnatural hatred toward it, for some reason or another.

"Cool," however, is not a forced abbreviation of a five-letter word. That's like saying an acceptable version of "bongo" is "bong," and that's clearly not true, or hell, take it a step further, "hamm" for "hammer." Can you imagine some guy on a construction site saying "Pass me that hamm right there," and stretching

Like a T-1000. Somebody call the president — fucking Skynet has landed.

Such is the law of the land. Thank God Master Chief always has been a bit quiet. It's the perfect concept — don't look stupid by not opening your mouth. Well played, Bungie, on the semi-silent protagonist.

Oh shit. Congratulations. The Internet is yours for the day. Have a good time!

I was thinking more squad based third person. Max Payne's a bit of a solo destroyer, but I guess that would count to.

Well, if I'm hearing it in common speech, somebody needs to be shot. As much as I love Kanye West, this trend needs to die a thousand deaths. Let's just make the American version of English looker dumber than it already is. Hell, damn "bootylicious" in the dictionary, and Kotaku's comment box actually recognized that

What's even more "cray" is that that has become the short version of "crazy." It's one letter, people. Come on.

Hell no. One has wonderful breasts and giant bug explosions — the other makes you cry and has snipers. All are wonderful things.

Ah HA! Well done. Next thing I say before I'm punching the headboard — if you know what I'm sayin'.

'Fus Ro Dah' as sexy talk. Discuss.

I think he's completely skipping over the fact that Gears of War's writing is supposed to be B-movie quality. It's much more Starships Troopers than Saving Private Ryan. The story is supposed to be personal but also colloquial — extremely serious but not, all at the same time.

Yeah. But it's got sand. A hella-ton of sand. Future Soldier does not have dangerous sand.

Ghost Recon: Future Soldier, Spec Ops: The Line — let the third-person, warfare shooter battles of 2012 COMMENCE!

Some good choices laid out right there. I'd trade Final Fantasy 6 for Secret of Mana, even though it's not turn based.

Bows and shit — boom, boom. Michael Bay. That's about it.

There is something seriously wrong with this entire thread.

Uncle Jesse strikes again. Well played, sir.